Breakfast Casserole
This breakfast casserole is a recipe that I grew up eating in my house. It was a favorite of mine as a child and it has now become a favorite of mine to cook on weeks when I’m going to be very busy...
View ArticleFreeze Over Ripe Bananas and Make Banana Bread
It’s Frugal Friday! The day when I share my best tips on how to save a buck, pinch those pennies, and make your hard earned dollars go a little further. Today’s tip is on wasting less in the...
View ArticleSoaked Oatmeal
On Monday I shared with you about healthy teeth and my natural self-care dental routine. One of the things I mentioned was to work on reducing phytic acid in your diet, since phytic acid blocks...
View ArticleSoaked Granola
On days when my husband has to be at work before the kids are awake and before I am mentally functioning, he likes to eat something cold and quick that requires no cooking. Cereal would fit that bill,...
View ArticleApple Cinnamon Rolls
I’m in the mood for all things Fall, ya’ll! Baked goods, cinnamon, apples, pumpkin, soups, stews, crockpot dishes, and just good old comfort food just beckon me this time of year. I love living...
View ArticleReal Food Resurrection Rolls
We love celebrating holidays around our house, but as Christians, we try to make sure we are celebrating the real significance of the holiday. Easter is no exception. Jesus’ resurrection from the...
View ArticleBaked Eggs Florentine in a Ramekin + MightyNest Giveaway
In my house, summer brings such a different pace than the other seasons. School’s out, the garden is bursting with fresh produce, and the weather is so hot you almost have to have a cold drink in your...
View ArticleStuffed Breakfast Biscuit Muffins
My mother was a stay at home mom until my brother entered kindergarten. At that time, she entered the work force. It was the same year that we built a new house in the country, and I moved school...
View ArticleChristmas Morning Breakfasts
Christmas morning is worthy of a special breakfast in my opinion. Most mornings I quickly scramble eggs and eat a piece of toast, but for Christmas we like to do a little more. My favorite kind of...
View ArticleSausage gravy
Simple ingredients can often produce the most delicious food. A good quality sausage, some flour, milk, salt and pepper can be transformed in just a few minute’s time into a fabulous sausage gravy,...
View Article30 Frugal Real Food Breakfast Ideas
We are serious about breakfast in our house. You won’t find cereal or pop-tarts in our cabinets, not because we don’t like them, but there are just so many other better options. Not only are they...
View ArticlePumpkin muffins with fresh pumpkin
For so long I have been intimated by the big giant squashes, including the ever popular pumpkin. It’s a bit sad that fresh pumpkins rarely get actually eaten, but instead get carved and left to rot on...
View ArticleBreakfast Sausage Seasoning
My kids adore sausage for breakfast and as a topping on their pizza. What I don’t like is the ingredients that are in breakfast sausage at the store. Poor quality meat, MSG, sugar, and other additives...
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